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The 10 points to consider when implementing your business retail strategy

According to data from the analysis firm Statista, marketplaces channel 47% of the online sales market, compared to 26% of ecommerce and 18% of brands' digital stores. It is predicted that, by 2025, marketplaces will account for 65% of online commerce in Europe. 

Therefore, we are facing an absolutely basic channel, not only for ecommerce, but for the future of commerce in general. If you have decided to take the plunge and take your business to marketplaces, congratulations! Marketplaces can be an excellent growing alternative, but they have their own rules. They are not 'plug and play' platforms, and brands need patience, resources and professional advice to succeed on them.

So, what should you take into account when carrying out your business' marketplaces strategy? We summarize it in 10 simple points:

1. The importance of prior planning.

Marketplaces are not 'plug and play' platforms. They are not easy ecosystems, but extremely competitive. They require focus, professional training, support and resources. And, above all, they require rethinking the company's entire operations.

2. Amazon must be analyzed separately and in detail.

In Europe, talking about marketplaces is almost the same as talking about Amazon. It is extremely demanding with sellers, and has the ability to set the rules. And once the commercial relationship has begun, it means a significant loss of control of data. But it is a channel of unparalleled power, and it opens up great opportunities for internationalization. The important thing is to clearly and precisely define the terms of presence on Amazon, minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities.

3. Branding policies.

The brand can be eroded in a marketplace; to avoid this, it is necessary to pay specific attention to its presence in that channel. An interesting alternative may be the creation of a specific sub-brand.

4. The importance of administrative work.

Brands have to make sure that they will be able to meet their commitments to the channel, which in the case of Amazon are particularly demanding. There is not much room for rectification: logistical failures and bad feedback are a major setback. To avoid paying for other people's mistakes in this area, it is important to record, audit and document all your operations, an obscure task that is very useful in the event of possible claims.

5. Detailed negotiations.

In addition to ensuring strict compliance with data protection regulations, the brand must be attentive to the possible inclusion of seemingly harmless clauses that could be a burden on its commercial operations. In this area, too, external advice can be very useful. This recommendation is especially interesting if you opt for a 'vendor' (B2B) model on Amazon.

6. Technological support.

To avoid logistical problems, solutions such as virtual warehouses and a CRM tailored to the needs of marketplaces are necessary.

7. Allocation of specific resources.

The presence in marketplaces needs constant management and attention, from the company itself or outsourced. It is not a one-week project, but a constant task.

8. Strategic use of the catalog.

The brand will have to decide which products to market in marketplaces, and even in which specific marketplaces. These decisions are interconnected with the pricing policy, branding and presence in other commercial channels (ecommerce and offline).

9. Data management and use.

Being in marketplaces implies a certain loss of data control, which Amazon knows how to optimize in its favor. Ecommerce does allow control and optimization of commercial data, but of a much smaller volume.

10. Internationalization strategy.

Marketplaces, especially Amazon, make it possible to open new markets with little or no structure. And, for the more cautious, they can be an excellent formula to take the temperature of a market before a stronger offensive. In nearby markets, such as France and Portugal, the advantages they offer are less significant, but in others, such as Italy and Germany, they can be an excellent option.

Tener en cuenta estos 10 puntos a la hora de planificar y llevar a cabo la estrategia de marketplaces de tu negocio es crucial para evitar problemas y asegurar el éxito. Si quieres saber más acerca de cómo enfocar y perfeccionar la estrategia en marketplaces de tu negocio, puedes contactar con nuestro equipo de especialistas o descárgate el informe completo de manera gratuíta.

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