The perfect project scope for the perfect Shopify
Encuentra a tu audiencia
Our Product Design & SEO teams craft the perfect match between functionality and aesthetic, always with your business goals as a reference. All our projects include a curated UX/UI and SEO-friendly sitemap and architecture.
Our UX - SEO works:
Benchmark | Information Architecture | Sitemap | User Flow
Development & Integrations
We take care of the code. We are a company with a tech origin and we want to ensure that every single front-back code line is perfectly executed. We are also pretty good with integrations : ), the Shopify ecosystem is our home.
Shopify Setup & Consulting
We advise you on the ideal setup for your shopify. We guide you through the Shopify environment so that you choose the ideal setup for your business and all the main aspects of ecommerce are perfectly aligned. Work with Shopify Markets for your international strategy, select the ideal applications for your logistics, payments or integrations.
Our Shopify Consulting & Setup:
Shopify Markets | Payments Methods | Logistics | Integrations | Multilanguage | POS | Mail Marketing | Product Feeds | Media Channels
Development & Integrations
Indentificamos tu audiencia, propuesta de valor y ajustamos el funnel en función de tus necesidades de negocio
Seleccionamos a los creadores adecuadas en función de su público objetivo y del formato de contenido que buscamos.
Creamos test A/B en la plataforma para sacar el máximo partido a tus campañas y reducir el CPA.
Casos de éxito
Aumentamos el tráfico de una de las empresas líderes mundiales en fabricación de relojes y conectamos con un público más joven gracias al lanzamiento de nuevos formatos en Tik Tok.
+4.4 M Impresiones
+35K clicks
+0,75% CTR
Conseguimos aumentar el volumen de tráfico gracias al nuevo formato de TikTok "Get a Billion Wishlist" donde promocionamos el producto estrella de la marca enfocada al cuidado de uñas.
+6 M Impresiones
+26K clicks
+5,8M Video Views
Brands we've worked for
Contact us and let's start