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Social Media Marketing Day 2020 – Insights y reflexiones

On January 25th, the 9th edition of the Social Media Marketing Day, one of the events of the year as far as Social Media and Digital Marketing is concerned. As it could not be different, ROCKETROI was present at this interesting and innovative day. This year, the event counted with the presentations of great professionals ready to share their best tips and trends for 2020. In this post we leave you the main insights of the different presentations.

Álex López, Social Selling Strategies on Linkedin

The need to find new ways of selling has led us to take advantage of the power of the main social network in professional terms. What is the secret to success? 

According to Álex López, the need to generate quality content on a constant basis is vital to find success, since Social Selling is about providing training, hoping that when a need arises you can be positioned at the top of mind of your client

Another great insight was the use of employer marketing, thanks to which we can multiply the reach of our content on LinkedIn, since social networks, whether professional or not, are not about companies, they are about people and how they interact with your content.

Ricard Aparicio, Creativity applied to social networks

One of the presentations we were most looking forward to attending. The content and creativity is being a focus for many companies in the sector, as it can achieve a differential value over other advertisers... Why? Around 85% of Spanish users have social networks, year after year there is a 19% increase in advertising investment and it is expected that in 2020 it will be 5% more. It is a saturated and exponentially growing landscape in which it is important to be different and innovative.

The main insight of the session is that there is no formula for success, but there is a methodology based on iteration:

  1. Scheduling and anticipation

  2. Adaptation

  3. Strategy

  4. Scalability

  5. Measurement

  6. Analysis

Mando Liussi, Moving from tactics to action in social networks

Mando Liussi's presentation reminded us of some basic points in the strategic and tactical approach of any digital proposal.

The main insight we extracted is that every strategy needs time for its execution and analysis or validation, and that the tactical actions we develop will always need quantifiable objectives that allow us to set a framework for assessment. 

Another interesting point of the presentation was the emphasis on personalized content, since in a sector that is increasingly saturated, coffee for everyone is not enough. For this we must define and detail our buyer persona and generate content that adapts to them, because we must appeal to them, and if we do it by knocking on the right door, our effectiveness in results will increase exponentially.

Iñaki Tovar, How to monetize your digital strategy through CRO

CRO or Conversion Rate Optimization is one of the trendiest terms in the digital sector, and without going any further Iñaki Tovar revealed that the average conversion rate in Spain stands at 1.11%. Can you imagine the profit margin we can achieve by improving that remaining 99%?

And for this, some tips from Iñaki were the use of:

  • Anxiety reducers on your product page: 2 years guarantee / 100% secure payment / 30 days return.

  • Perform Review strategies : Thanks to Google My Business, you can give visibility to people's opinion. And we already know that it is useless for a brand to speak well of it if people do not do it.

Finally, we are left with a key phrase that we must keep in mind: No Testing, No glory.

Álvaro Fontela, WPO. Learn how to optimize your WordPress in a "plis".

As with CRO, what is WPO? WPO refers to the techniques and best practices that aim to improve the loading speed of sites.

The importance of improving the speed of your site in SEO is due to the fact that in 2018 announced that it negatively affected both desktop and mobile.

Beyond its penalty in SEO, the loading speed is important because:

  1. Improves user experience

  2. Improved crawls 

  3. Resource consumption in hosting

Lluís Serra, How to monetize and take full advantage of an eCommerce connected to your Instagram account.

The most powerful presentation of the day came from Lluís Serra. Not so much for content, but for spectacle and sensory activation. The session emphasized the main data of Instagram: 

  • 48% men / 52% women

  • 1000 Million profiles

  • 500 million daily active users

  • 500 million use stories / 95 million photos per day

  • 28 minutes of average consumption per day

  • 52% of brands use Instagram in their marketing strategy

  • 200 million users interact with at least one brand per day

  • 80% of Instagram users follow a company

And is that Instagram allows us to reach our target audience, and Instagram is making more and more efforts to be a reference of sales in social media. The main novelty that comes to us is the integration of a payment platform so that the user can initiate and finalize their purchase without leaving Instagram. Will it become a transactional space as well as a showcase? We will find out for sure in the next few years.

It was undoubtedly one of those presentations that make you get up from your chair, clap your hands, grab your backpack or bag and when you leave the room and the conference center you want to eat the world, and it is the perfect summary of the day and the sector. But, the desire to eat the world can not forget the planning and perseverance to do so, otherwise, the one that will eat you will be the time and short-term solutions. In summary, see you in the 10th edition of the #SMMDay 🙂

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